Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chiropractic and Kids?

Chiropractic care benefits all aspects of your body’s ability to be healthy for people of all ages. This is accomplished via the nervous system, which is basically the communication pathway between your brain and entire body.

The nervous system is the first organ to develop in utero at 3.5 weeks. Tiny nerve impulses are sent to every soon to be formed cell, tissue, and organ in the body. In utero is a very important time for the fetus to develop and grow, therefore it is important for mothers to have their body functioning at its optimum potential through chiropractic care. With pregnancy, come hormonal changes, a shift in body weight, and a laxity of connective tissues. New stresses are experienced by the lower back and pelvis. Many women report their pregnancies were easier and their delivery times were shorter when they received chiropractic care.

The birth process puts a lot of strain on the mother as well as the baby during delivery. Many forces and pressure are placed on the baby’s fragile spine and nervous system when the head is pulled and twisted. Even more pressure and stress occurs with C-section delivery and medicated labors so it’s important to have a baby’s spine checked post-delivery. Getting adjusted by a chiropractor as a newborn, infant, or toddler is just as important as getting adjustments as an adult. Babies take plenty of tumbles, falls, bumps, and bruises while learning to roll over, crawl, and walk each time putting stress on the spine. A commonly asked question we get from adult patients and parents is do we adjust babies and kids the same way we adjust them? The answer is not exactly. The technique we use is much more gentle. Adjusting techniques are modified for each person’s size and unique spinal problem. An infant’s spine rarely has the long-standing muscle tightness seen in adults making a child’s chiropractic adjustment gentle, comfortable, and effective.

Today we find many more parents bringing in their children for problems such as ear infections, colic, unexplained crying, lack of appetite, colds, allergies, bed-wetting, and growing pains. Instead of using drugs we work children’s bodies to help strengthen their immune system and heal.

Dr. Simmons is a huge advocate of preventative care. “It’s similar to dentistry. You don’t wait until your child’s teeth are rotting before you take them to the dentist, so why wait until your child begins to show abnormal spinal curvatures, earaches, pain, or other symptoms before you bring them in for a chiropractic check-up? Prevention is key because the nervous system controls and coordinates every function in the body. Regular chiropractic care starting at birth absolutely helps children to grow up healthier, happier, and symptom free.”

To schedule a chiropractic check-up please call, 304-925-5003 or schedule online or ask a question online at

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